Category Archives: Finances

Is A Good Credit Score Worth The Debt?

Every finance website talks about having a good credit score. We talked about the importance of having a good credit score while mentioning that we still believe it’s best to pay off outstanding balances as soon as possible.

nattanan23 / Pixabay

This is contrary to what most financial experts would tell you. They tend to believe that it’s best to keep balances on your accounts and pay them down regularly to show that you have a consistent payment schedule going. Supposedly that encourages other lenders to loan you money because of your payment history. We talked about this in a previous article.
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The Dichotomy Of Credit

I was recently reading an article about a millennial who wanted to buy a house. He was earning around $80K a year and was ready to pay a 20% down payment on the house he found to his satisfaction. The trouble came when he tried to get a loan; no one would give him one.

TheDigitalWay / Pixabay

The problem? He hadn’t had a credit card since he was 18 years old and started college. He ran it up to $500, got scared at how easy it was to spend money that fast, paid it off and never used credit again. He’d gotten a full scholarship to school, so he didn’t have any college loans to pay off.
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5 Things You Need To Know About Debt

The topic of debt is one that a lot of people want to run away from. The problem with debt is that you can’t hide from it. You can let it bring you down or you can address it.



We believe in addressing debt and fear of debt. We also believe there’s a large range of issues concerning debt that most people never think about. With that said, here are XX things you need to know about debt.
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You Must Eliminate Fear To Be Successful Managing Your Money

The thing I see more often than anything else is the fear in people’s eyes when they don’t want to know the truth about their finances. The problem with that is twofold. One, sometimes things are actually good. Two, not knowing means you can’t do anything about it.

The reason most people won’t put together a budget isn’t because they’re confident in their ability to pay their bills. It’s fear of the unknown, that they may be on the cusp of serious money issues they’re not ready to deal with. Yet, overwhelmingly people are able to pay all of their bills and still have money left over. Sure, they might have to change up their spending patterns and learn how to use coupons to help their money go further when necessary but it’s more of a comfort to know they’re not in debt and are potentially right around the corner of fiscal relief.
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You Can’t Be Comfortable And Make Real Money

A couple of articles ago we talked about 7 easy ways to get comfortable with money. This time around we’re taking a different slant on the topic of comfort and money because it’s a totally different topic than the previous one.

Yellow Camaro

In this case, we’re talking to the people who say they want to make more money so they can do anything they want to and can live the life they want to live. Whenever most people are asked how much money they respond “enough to be comfortable.”
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