Tag Archives: personal finances

7 Financial Issues To Discuss With Elderly Family Members

The most difficult conversation for families to have concerns money. It’s especially difficult when one party is getting up in age and has to start thinking about their future and the future of their loved ones as it concerns their assets.

via Unsplash

It’s hard to start revealing one’s income and savings when they’ve been used to keeping things to themselves for most of their life. Sometimes couples have never talked about these things; scary but very true.
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The Most Important Financial Consideration You Should Have Your Mind On

At different periods in time there are job losses, houses being repossessed, businesses in disarray, companies going into bankruptcy or shutting their doors forever… the list goes on and on. There’s no such thing as a stable economy; if one things going well something else isn’t.

hospital bills
Engin_Akyurt via Pixabay

We’ve had numerous conversations about saving money, paying down bills, how to buy things at less cost, eliminating debt, and a host of other recommendations that are all very good. One thing that’s been somewhat lost, yet always makes its presence felt, is health care coverage. We need to talk about how important it is to maintain health care coverage for you and your family.
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