Tag Archives: business travel

Track Business Travel Properly If A Car Is Involved

Business travel has always been a godsend when it comes to writing off expenses. Whether you’re driving out of town or you’re all around the area you work in, being able to write off mileage has always been helpful in reducing your taxes.

With that said, something most people might not know is that the rules have changed when it comes to tracking your driving expenses. It might feel like a nightmare because there’s more paperwork while you’re doing it, but come tax time you’ll still get a nice benefit, even if it’s a bit dicier than it used to be.
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Business Expenses You Should Think About Tracking

Even though tax season is almost over, it’s a good time to think about the types of information you’ll want to have available for your accountant next year. Hopefully you’ve taken care of some of the information that’s pertinent since the beginning of the year. If not, you might have lost some of your possible deductions and expenses. Here’s a few examples and ideas for how to handle these items.

business burger

Business Burger!

Let’s look at meal expenses. Whether you’ve had meals with clients or meals when you’ve been traveling, it’s always a good idea to try to save your receipts. Everything you do isn’t covered unless you can indicate why it might be pertinent.
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