The Four States Of Taxpayers

How do you prepare for your taxes? Strange as this may seem, it’s not necessarily true that people who are expecting big refunds are always the people who file their taxes fast and early. It’s also not true that people who feel that they might have to pay something are always waiting until the last minute either.

Dealing with taxes is a much more mental process than that. As it is with business and employees, you find that not everything concerning taxes has to do with money. It has a lot more to do with personality and the perception of it all. Let’s take a quick look at the four states of taxpayers.

1. Energetic. Those people who are energetic are ready to get things out of the way, no matter if they’re getting a refund or not. Those who are getting refunds look forward to their return and how they’re going to spend the money. Those who aren’t sure or know they’re not going to get a refund want to know what their liability is and also want everything to be over so they can get on with life. There’s no hiding with these folks; good for them.

2. Distracted. Distracted people mean well, but they keep putting things off because they have other pressing matters to deal with. Sometimes those pressing matters are as minor as getting something to eat, but who doesn’t think eating is more important than taking care of their taxes?

3. Stressed. Just like the energetic people, it doesn’t matter whether they’re getting a refund or not. They see the entire process of taxes in the first four months of the years as a major challenge. Numbers are confusing to them, or maybe past history has put them on edge. If you’re married, you might have had problems getting refunds so many times that this is an unpleasant time of year, no matter how much in taxes you paid out.

4. Laid back. These folks don’t really care one way or another; they’re just not in the mood to be bothered by any of it. I’ve known people who didn’t file their taxes for a couple of years in a row who, if they had, would have reaped thousands in refunds, and even after they eventually file and learn about the penalties, they’re not bothered by any of it. I know others who haven’t filed taxes, ended up owing money, and set up payment plans and got on with life.

For all of these states, it can help to have an accountant who knows you and is prepared to get you through the process. Accountants obviously prefer to get everything early, and if they know your pattern they’ll work with you for your benefit and theirs as well. Many people need the extra boost, and they like knowing that their accountant cares about their needs. It’s something to think about at tax time when you have to decide between one of those tax agencies or an accountant you’ve worked with before.