Are You Worried As You Get Closer To Social Security Age?

We might as well talk about the elephant in the room, especially those of you from age 55 and up. Social Security is in danger from certain politicians, but even if it ends up being saved, are you ready to live on it?

It’s not this bad…

The reality is that only 20% of the American citizens who eventually claim Social Security are actually living on it. Almost all of those people invested early or had well paying jobs, enough to put away so they could live on it when they retired.
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4 Ways To Save Money The Old Fashioned Way

While we spend a lot of time advocating that people find ways to save money by budgeting, we don’t spend much time talking about ways to shave off a dollar here and there so that you can put that money either into savings, paying down outstanding bills, or investing. There are some common sense things people can do that may not always be popular, but are sound and still allows people to enjoy their lives nicely.

Here are 4 suggestions that won’t change your life all that much but will save you some money:
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Payday Loans, Structured Settlements & Other Dangers

We recognize that there are times in almost everybody’s life when cash is low. You get worried because you have bills to pay and you need to put food on the table and it seems like you have very few options.

paying down bills safely

this won’t pay your bills either

There’s a business out on the market that’s known as payday loans. These are loans that some financial institutions will give you when you’re waiting on your next paycheck but you need some cash now. The loans can be as little as $20 and the skies the limit on the other end. On the surface this might sound like a good investment in a way to get yourself out of danger, but it’s not.
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The Importance Of A Good Credit Score

Everyone has heard the term credit score. Not everyone really understands its purpose or why they should try to have a good number. Most people only know they should have a good number; they just don’t know what it is.

you could buy one of these houses

Let’s get the immediate question out of the way. A good credit score is considered as any number over 720. There are a lot of things that are considered for a credit score, and since each agency seems to do it different, you could have a good credit score at one and not the other. That’s why it’s always good to get your free credit report annually via the federal government’s agreement at the site Annual Credit Report, which we’ve just linked to.
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What’s Your Relationship With Money?

The above might seem like a strange question to ask but it’s an important one. The reason it’s important is because there’s many people and businesses that have problems with their finances, and often they’re making enough money so they should be able to sustain themselves just fine.

vintage car

vintage car

Excluding the camp that really doesn’t have enough money to get by easily, there’s two basic relationships with money. One is freedom, the other is security.
Continue reading What’s Your Relationship With Money?

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